Supporting children around the world
T3Retrievers is a Christian organization generated to serve children around the word. A profit of the sales are donated to helping orphanages in foreign countries. We partnered up with The Ripple Effect Project to support shelter, food, clothing, education and medical assistance to orphaned children. Currently, we are supporting an orphanage in Haiti called The Shepard's House. If you would like more information on how you can help support, then please contact me.
God bless,
TIffany Hegglund
Owner of T3 Retrievers

2018 Winter Haiti Mission's Trip
John Claws Orphanage
As part of our 2018 Sadie/Bullet litter, we were able to support a meal for over 100 children and staff at the John Claws Orphanage in Haiti. These children were delighted to eat a warm meal and socialize with new found friends!
Because of your choice to purchase a dog from T3 Retrievers, you made this possible for these children!